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Salvation to all men

For the grace of God hath appeared, bringing salvation to all men — Titus 2:11

In Old Testament times, only the priest could enter the Most Holy Place in the tabernacle to speak to God. Before he entered, he had to shed the blood of an animal to cover his sins. Otherwise, he would be killed. The people also had to sacrifice animals daily to cover their sins.

Today, we no longer have to sacrifice animals to cover our sins because Jesus Christ, Who is the Lamb of God, became our perfect sacrifice. He gave His life for us. He was accused of many things that he did not do, spat upon, beaten with a metal spiked weep, a crown of thorns placed on His head, nailed to a cross (a tree), and murdered. He carried our sins in His own body and died on a cross to put them far away from God’s eyes once and for all. Jesus is God’s love gift to man! And because of this wonderful gift, we can boldly enter the Most Holy Place and speak to our Heavenly Father face to face. We do not have to be afraid to speak to Him because Jesus has taken away our sins.

This is Good News!

This is reason why believers are so glad Jesus was born. He was born to die! Throughout our lives and especially during the Christmas holiday, we celebrate the birth of Christ, Who is God’s sacrificial Lamb for us. Basically, we are saying to Him, “Thank you Jesus for coming from Heaven to earth to die for us, to save us.” Today, allow Jesus to come into your heart. Believe in what He did for you on the cross. Make Him your Lord and Savior.

Jesus Christ became our sacrifice, the Lamb Whom God provided! He was born to die!

For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.

Isaiah 9:6

Meditate on…

For the grace of God hath appeared, bringing salvation to all men — Titus 2:11

SONG: Noel by Chris Tomlin (Sang by Lauren Daigle)

SONG: Born to Die by Debo Norman

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